tags: earnings

tags: earnings
We found 3 post available for you

K-Pop and BTS, how much can they earn from Youtube and Spotify?

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Art Current events Ratio and Proportion
Bring a little K-pop music to your class with this activity. Jason Kibbe, a terrific middle school math teacher in Chambersburg, PA, sent us an activity that he created for one of his stude...

Pokémon GO! I should have invested

Algebra Number Sense Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Pikachu Pokémon GO is all the rage.  News reports show people glued to their smart phones as they travel to nearby landmarks where virtual critters appear and need to be caught ...

David Price, big bucks per ...

Number Sense Sports Ratio and Proportion
  David Price, a 30-year old pitcher from Toronto's Blue Jays, was hired with a 7 year contract to be the Red Sox's new ace pitcher for $217 million dollars.  That is the largest amount eve...
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